ホームTop pageAbout the CouncilQuestionnaire survey on corporate biodiversity efforts in Japan<Summary of the FY2022 survey results>

Questionnaire survey on corporate biodiversity efforts in Japan<Summary of the FY2022 survey results>

Overview of the survey

(1) Mainstreaming of biodiversity

  • Awareness of biodiversity
  • Organizational structure to promote biodiversity actions
  • Biodiversity information disclosure

(2) Contribution to GBF

  • Contribution to the Kunming-Montreal Biodiversity Framework
  • [Reference] Percentage of companies with initiatives corresponding to each GBF target (by industry sectors)
  • Biodiversity efforts in upstream and downstream value chains
  • Biodiversity-friendly products and services
  • Quantitative targets and indicators linked to the GBF targets
  • Examples of corporate actions related to each GBF target
  • [Reference] Contribution to the SDGs through biodiversity conservation

(3) Response to the TNFD recommendations

  • Assessment of biodiversity dependences, impacts and related risks and opportunities
  • Extent of value chains and scope of assessment
  • Initiatives on LEAP approach
  • Biodiversity-related business risks
  • Biodiversity-related business opportunities
  • Scenario analysis

(4) Drivers and barriers for biodiversity actions

  • Drivers and barriers for biodiversity actions
  • Linking biodiversity and climate actions

Executive summary

  • (1) Compared to the 2019 survey, more companies are mainstreaming biodiversity.
  • (2) Many companies have already been implementing activities that contribute to GBF.
  • (3) Biodiversity information disclosure along the TNFD guidance is still in the initial stage of LEAP approach in many companies, but has advanced in some companies.
  • (4) As biodiversity became a key agenda in corporate management, many companies are facing technical challenges in biodiversity actions.

Please see below for more information.

Questionnaire survey on corporate biodiversity efforts in Japan<PDF version is here>
